Best Practices in SMS Marketing

sms text messages

In today’s competitive world, it certainly pays to be quick on one’s feet. Whether you are building your own brand, starting up a business, or simply trying to spread the word to a larger number of people, it takes a dedicated amount of time and effort as well as an excellent marketing strategy to get the message across.

As recent studies have shown, short message service or SMS has become the most effective marketing strategy for businesses worldwide. Almost 80% of the population owns a mobile device, so it really isn’t surprising to know that people receive and read texts in an instant regardless of time and location.

However, it is important to remember that there are some things to avoid when sending out a text blast. Below are some best practices that you can execute to ensure your campaigns run smoothly and efficiently:


Send SMS blast with permission

The first and most important thing that you should consider is securing the consent of your client. Without permission, you may encounter legal problems, damage your brand, and drive away current customers and potential prospects. You can have them send a keyword that automatically gives you consent to message them. Make sure that you keep records showing that you have permission from each and every one of your clients.


Opting out should be an option

All subscribers should have an easy way to opt out of your SMS  list. Give them clear instructions that will allow them to automatically remove themselves if possible. In the event that your client would wish to opt out, you can have them key in words like “Cancel” or “Unsubscribe”.


Limit frequency of messages

Whether it’s personal or business, one important rule is to never bombard your recipient with too many text messages. If you do so, you will eventually trigger and annoy people, which is highly counterproductive. You want to avoid any perception that you are “spamming” people with your marketing campaigns.

The recommended number of messages is at least two or three a month. You can also give your subscribers the option to choose how many messages they wish to receive per month. Periodically, you can send out a survey to see how your subscribers feel about the frequency of messages from your text campaign.


Send texts during business hours only

Avoid waking people up in wee hours of the morning with your text messages. You will need to pay attention to time zones when setting up your text blasts. Sending messages during business hours allows the recipient to act immediately on your offer.


Do not waste their time

You do not necessarily have to sell your customers something every time you send out a text blast. However, it is absolutely important that you give them something that they will eventually find useful and worthy of their time and attention. Vary your messages to include notifications of discounts, special offers, new products and services, store openings, and other events.



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